Motif | 2002-
All products are individually hand-made by Nobuhiro Sato, using the same technique and materials used for building structures.By using mortar, a material typically used to fill gaps between blocks in construction, it is then poured into a wooden mold to obtain the distinct texture and design that resonates throughout Sato’s #001 collection. By incorporating natural color and edges from the hardening of the mortar, each piece is unique and emits a sense of warmth when used in our daily lives.
PE | 2007-
PE is a series of handmade products designed by Nobuhiro Sato that fully utilizing polyethylene materials, an approach to industrial materials with the techniques of craft and artisanship. The name of the brand—pronounced "pe"—is an abbreviation for polyethylene. Melting and welding a number of colored plastic bags together with a household iron and soldering iron, each product is made with care and attention to detail. All the products are meticulously designed and produced by hand by Kyoto-based craft designer, Nobuhiro Sato. The production methodology is simple yet highly distinctive.
diazo | 2012-
diazo(ジアゾ)は、青焼とも呼ばれる「ジアゾ式複写」によって、青色に感光させた紙を用いたプロダクトシリーズです。 複写時に現れる鮮やかな青色は、太陽の光などを浴びて時と共に刻々と色あせていきます。薄れゆく人の記憶や、時の経過など、形のない「時」を青色のイメージと重ね、時を感じるプロダクトとして日常のアイテムに展開していきます。現在では、コピー機など白焼き複写機が主流となり、ジアゾ式複写の供給は国内では終了してしまっております。diazoのコレクションも青焼きの供給終了と共に終結します。
mortar | 2013-
mortar(モルタル)は、建築材料として使用される「モルタル」を、単なる「材料」として捉えるのではなく、重い、冷たい、固いといった人の「感覚」を刺激する1つの要素として捉えることを試みた実験的なコレクションです。 人の生活を構成するモノは全て「感覚」として置き換えることができるという概念のもと、さらに「感覚」から「モノ」へと再翻訳することで、形に意味を持たない感覚的なプロダクトを提案します。
"mortar" is a collection created by Japanese crafts brand Pull Push Products. Inspired by the idea that every item that comprises life can be replaced by sensations, this collection aims to re-translate feelings into items by not treating mortar simply as a heavy and hard material, but interpreting it as one of the elements that stimulate human tactility. Launched in 2014, the collection is designed and produced by Nobuhiro Sato.